Body Glove Announces Winning Name of “You Name It, You Own It” Wetsuit Contest
The industry altering wetsuit will be called the Body Glove PRIME.
“The dictionary states that Prime: is of the highest eminence or rank. It also says: the choicest or best part of anything. It sounds like Body Glove has made the all time PRIME wetsuit that anyone could ever own. Sounds pretty choice to me.” - Congratulations to entrant, screen name, Skye Walker for the winning submission and compelling argument. The winner will receive one of the first limited edition Body Glove PRIME suits in November.
Body Glove received nearly 1000 entries for the “You Name It, You Own It” contest. There was a lot of really great creative thinking and a few suggestions that would make you blush. But it seems to us that the surf industry was really excited to see something new come out of the wetsuit world and was eager to participate.
Three years of research and development has led us to the Body Glove PRIME. Our undying pursuit of performance guided us to a mind-blowing combination of materials that surpasses all wetsuit designs offered. Athlete designed, tested and approved this will be the most PRIME wetsuit ever created.
Merriam-Webster defines PRIME as:
1. First in time, existence or development: Original
2. First in rank, authority, or significance; of first importance; demanding the fullest consideration
3. Having the highest quality or value
4. Not deriving from something else
1. The most active, thriving or satisfying stage or period.
2. The chief or best individual part
Body Glove pulled from its 57 years of wetsuit expertise, created a groundbreaking new suit and with the help of the people who will wear it, Body Glove found the perfect name. Body Glove is the original wetsuit manufacturer. And in our most active and thriving time, the Body Glove PRIME will be the highest quality wetsuit you have ever purchased.
“Limited Edition” pre-release Body Glove PRIME 3/2 and 4/3 fullsuits have been produced for a few select retail stores and will be available in November.
Body Glove created the first wetsuit back in 1953 and now PRIME is setting the standard for the 21st century. Body Glove PRIME: Revolutionary Redefined.
For more information on Body Glove wetsuits or athletes go to www.bodyglove.com and for daily updates visit www.facebook.com/bodyglove.
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