Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Body Glove at the US Open of Surfing

The huge US Open of Surfing is going on all week down at the Huntington Beach Pier in SoCal. The crew at Hurley, Nike 6.0 and Converse have taken the event to the next level and the surfers, brands and the industry in general are amped for the biggest event in the United States. Body Glove surfers Dusty Payne, Gabe Kling, Austin Ware, Mike Losness, Nate Yeomans, Luke Stedman and Erica Hosseini are all in the main event and most start surfing today. Dusty Payne is also Surfing All-Stars Expression Session next Sunday with 10 other of the best surfers in the world. This event has everything: amazing surfing, skateboarding, art, fashion shows, BMX, Life Rolls On Expression Session and bands including Tomorrow's Bad Seeds and Weezer. Body Glove will be in the mix all week and we hope to see you down there. If you can't make it to Huntington Beach you can catch every heat and every event online at www.usopenofsurfing.com or on their free iphone app.

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