Day 2 of Dive Class took place in the Dive N Surf Training Pool. This is where you get used to breathing under water and practice all the underwater skills in a safe environment.

Matt trying to figure out what he's looking at.

Scott supervising Ally as she puts her gear together.

Mike Losness putting his gear together.

Before you jump in with your gear on you need to be able to demonstrate your swimming ability....

..and then tread water for 10 minutes!
After all that the class gets to put the gear on and start the underwater training.

Mike performing one of the skills test while Scott supervises.

Austin Ware doing his skill test as Matt Chernega looks on.

Mike Losness enjoying the new freedom of breathing underwater.

Ally gives the thumbs up with Mike showing his approval.

Austin getting instruction from Scott Smith

Matt Chernega finding out how it feels to run out of air underwater. Part of the skills test.

Scott Smith and Mike Losness.

Dive Instructor: Scott Smith
Log in tomorrow for Day 3 of their open ocean dives.
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